Responsibility in the pandemic

Needless to say, we are going through an extraordinary time right now, when corona has dominated the media for months and we are all feeling the effects. We had to get used to a lot of new things and first train ourselves out of habits of polite interaction such as shaking hands. Corona has created a new awareness of everyday hygiene in people's minds.
More space for us, more service for our customers: The number of processed CTs for sales as well as CTs for parts testing, employee training and the MEDSER Academy has increased significantly in recent years and months. The number of customers has also risen steadily and with it the need to keep more spare parts in stock in order to maintain and even improve the speed and quality we are accustomed to.
May we introduce: our new mobile CT container. The 40 square meter space includes a treatment room with a ready-to-use Siemens Somatom Emotion, a control room and a waiting room for patients - a small, mobile radiology practice, so to speak. This container can be rented by clinics and medical practices, for example,